Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mass Murder by the NSW DoT Regulation

Faruque Ahmed
P O Box – 349
Alexandria – 2015
Mobile: 041 091 4118

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mr. John Watkins, MP
Minister for Transport
Level 30
Governor Macquarie Tower
Sydney NSW 2000
Telephone: (02) 9228 4866Facsimile: (02) 9228 4855

CC to all Members of Parliament and media.

Re: Mass Murder by the NSW DoT Regulation

Dear Mr. Watkins,

Your department virtually ignored the good works of:

1. Justice Beattie Report
2. Justice Edwards Report
3. Driving Forces (Minister for Industrial Relations and the Attorney General),
4. Driving Forward, (Minister for Industrial Relations and the Attorney General),
5. Keatsdale Report (The DoT and NSW WorkCover Authority),
6. Dalziel Reports (Sydney University) and
7. Alan Cook reports and
8. Roy Morgan Report re ATIS conducted by Ann Matheson.

The NSW Ombudsman said, “the Department of transport is CAPTURED by the NSW Taxi council”. The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) said, “the NSW Department of Transport is EVASIVE, NOT FORTHCOMING”. The taxi drivers believe that the NSW Taxi Council Pty Ltd and Cabcharge Pty Ltd control the NSW Department of Transport!

The NSW Passenger Transport Act and Regulations allow the NSW Taxi Council Pty Ltd, Cabcharge Pty Ltd, taxi companies and taxi networks to get away with murder! The long awaited proposed Transport Regulations also continues the stinky tradition!

In support of my claims I would like to add the following for the time being:
A. The taxi companies basically inspect their own taxis under the guise of Authorised Taxi Inspections Schemes (ATIS). Unlike any moving vessels like trains, planes, ships or any other plant and equipment, a taxi cab operator is not obliged under the law to go through a ‘Check List’ prior to the commencement of a shift or at any time! This is a deliberate ploy to remove or at least reduce the quality control and quality assurance of NSW taxicabs detrimental to taxi drivers’ and passengers’ interest.

B. Taxi companies and radio networks are not answerable to the NSW Department of Transport and any ‘failure to comply’ does not attract any penalties whatsoever! That’s why they are deliberately running down their taxi radio networks contrary to the interest of the travelling public and taxi drivers. Because the radio networks make more money if less drivers and passengers use their system due to the guaranteed income protection mechanism built in to the NSW Passenger Transport Acts and Regulations.

C. Despite many valid requests, the taxi companies are not obliged to provide a safe workplace under the ‘Duty of Care’ provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Acts! That’s why, taxi companies collected a lot of money from taxi drivers and passengers under the guise of taxi driver safety earlier and then virtually they gave us nothing!

According to a few media reports, it appears, your department is using the Bulldog Scandal graduate Mr. Dave Madden and his ‘out of touch’ and elite report to incite racism and prejudice against taxi drivers similar to Dr. Mohamed Haneef scandal as confirmed by former Prime Minster Paul Keating.

The communication of 1995 and reply thereby do not support to day’s racist outburst. On that time, “The number of taxi drivers suffering from communication problems (e.g. English)” was less than 8% and the department told us, “things are improving”. So, what is the real story? Where is the truth? Who have been issuing taxi drivers authority to people with no communication skills and why?

One must wonder why the hell your proposed regulatory changes are providing the ‘taxi mafia’ a licence to murder anyone without any constraint whatsoever and crucifies taxi drivers all the time without any good reason?

Sincerely Yours

Faruque Ahmed

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Communication

The communication below of 1995 and reply thereby do not support to day’s racist outburst. On that time, “The number of taxi drivers suffering from communication problems (e.g. English)” was less than 8% and the department told us, “things are improving”. So, what is the real story? Where is the truth?

Faruque Ahmed

6/12 Woodbury Street

Marrickville – 2204

Ph: (02) 564 1079


Mr. Brian Langton

The Honourable Minister for Transport

227 Elizabeth Street

Sydney 2000

Fax – (02) 268 2971

Dear Mr. Lnagton,

Could you kindly provide me with the following information as requested.

I request that information and statistics requested:

(a) be split into Sydney and country sections, wherever possible

(b) carry the “cut off” date as well as the year (but I shall accept anything)

© go back as many years as the availability of records reasonably permits (from 89)

(d) be by yearly sections, but where only other periods (e.g. 18 months, bi-annual, five years etc) are available, that is quite fine by me

(e) you do not have exactly requested, but have similar or different figures in the original request is in, that you supply us with what you have.

Could you please provide:

1. The number of taxis operating in Sydney and NSW each year

2. The number of owners operating in Sydney and NSW each year

3. The number of operators operating in Sydney and NSW each year

4. The number of owner turnovers in Sydney and NSW each year

5. The number of operator turnovers in Sydney and NSW each year

6. The number of drivers holding licences each year

7. The number of drivers being newly licensed each year

8. The number of drivers leaving the industry each year

9. The number of complaints against taxi drivers each year

10. The number of prosecutions against taxi drivers each year

11. The number of convictions against taxi drivers each year

12. Amongst those convictions, number of being quashed n the higher courts

13. Classifications of complaints by category and their numbers

14. Classifications of convictions by category and their numbers

15. The number of fares (jobs) carried by taxis each year

16. The number of taxi drivers suffering from communication problems (e.g. English)

17. The number of robberies, attacks, injuries, disablements and deaths of taxi drivers each year

18. The number of multi-cab owners (and the number of cabs they own e.g. 20 owned 10 cabs etc.)

19. The number of multi-cab operators (and the number of cabs they operate e.g. 20 owned 20 cabs etc.).

With thanks

Sincerely yours

Faruque Ahmed

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Vinnomot Hypocrites

Vinnomot Hypocrites

People of vinnomot do not believe in free speech. Under the guise of free speech they insult Arabs and Muslims. It is like Legs are NOT Open for Business

The illustrious Prime Minister of Australia misused and abused anti-Terror legislations and conspired a strip search of New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clerk to make Israel happy. He has used the same trick with the Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare and still Michael is kicking arses for this incidence.

Philip Ruddock, the filthy Attorney General of Australia `virtually' asked his daughter to open her legs for Israeli child molester for power as demonstrated in credible links of Legs are Open for Business.

Links of Legs are Open for Business demonstrate these disgusting acts! Surprise! Surprise, mighty government of Australia got so much respect for free speech, now this blog is under attack.

However, the same government encourages anti-Muslim and anti-Arab filths of all kind, under the guise of free speech like those hypocrites of Vinnomot!